Supermarket lines are often cheaper than branded goods. 超市的商品常常比品牌货便宜。
Buy branded things only when you are sure that they are superior and to and have more utility than the goods on the shelf. 只有当你确定品牌的东西更加卓越和实用时再去购买它。
Economists think Vietnam might be benefiting from a new Wal-Mart effect by which western consumers switch from expensive branded products to cheaper goods in which countries such as Vietnam excel. 经济学家认为,越南或许受益于新的沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)效应,即西方消费者从昂贵的品牌产品,转向越南等国家擅长制造的较廉价产品。
However, branded goods are a particularly profitable line for premium, low-volume sports-car producers, which typically spend relatively little on marketing and limit the number of cars they produce to keep prices high and maintain an exclusive mystique. 但对高级的低产量跑车制造商而言,贴牌商品是特别有利可图的一块。这些企业往往在营销上支出相对较低,同时限制他们制造的汽车数量以保持高价并维持孤高的神秘感。
For trendy branded goods, Orchard Road is the ideal spot. 要买时尚的名牌货,乌节路是理想的地点。
In a country mad about branded goods ( both real and fake), the market for branded sportswear has never been more competitive. 在这个为名牌商品(不论是真货还是假货)而疯狂的国度,名牌运动服饰市场的竞争达到了前所未有的程度。
Some of the faster growing emerging markets show a shift from basic commodities trading in sectors such as cereals or sugar to become a refiner or producer of branded goods based on those raw materials, Mr Emmett said. 埃米特表示:某些发展速度更快的新兴市场经济体呈现出一种趋势,即从主要从事谷物、糖类等基础大宗商品贸易,转型为精炼商或基于这些原材料的品牌商品的生产商。
It presented this segment with incentives in the form of cash discounts on wide variety of leading branded household goods. 为该市场提供的优惠项目有:对各种名牌的家用物品实行现金折扣形式。
The Chinese consumers spending on extravagant branded goods based on their meagre incomes is simply not sustainable. 中国消费者是基于自己那些少的可怜的收入来消费那些奢侈品牌产品,这完全是不可承受得起的。
She is very vain about her appearance, she only wears branded goods. 她对外表非常爱慕虚荣,只穿名牌。
It is coming back towards a more appropriate balance between private label and branded goods. 自有品牌和全国性品牌商品的关系将回归到更恰当的平衡。
This new survey shows that for branded goods, at least, there is some sign of a consistent gradual convergence of price levels. 这一项新调查显示,至少就品牌商品而言,已有一定迹象表明,价格水平在逐渐稳定地趋同。
More worrying for groups like Nokia is the manufacturers 'push into branded goods in China. 令诺基亚等集团更为担心的是,这些制造商开始进军中国的品牌产品。
The way living standards have be raised, where cities are filled with bmws, branded goods and Chinese tourist are flocking worldwide for business trips and money to spend. 生活水平提高了,城市充满了宝马、中国旅游产品和品牌在全世界都蜂涌公干和金钱。
Even P& G felt the need to bulk up by acquiring Gillette as a counter to retailers that exerted buying power against branded goods. 就连宝洁都觉得有必要通过收购吉列(gillette)来增强实力,以对付那些利用购买力打压品牌商品的零售商。
Through its subsidiary, TMall, it made consumers trust small and even unknown sellers of branded goods online. 通过其子公司天猫(TMall),阿里巴巴让消费者信任在网上销售品牌商品的小商家,甚至是无人知晓的商家。
With the social and economic globalization continues to increase, an endless stream of branded goods, counterfeiting has become a large brand enterprises, industry and the country had to face a very serious problem. 伴随着社会与经济全球化程度的不断提高,品牌商品的假冒品层出不穷已成为众多品牌企业、行业乃至国家所不得不面临的一个相当严峻问题。